ADS | Caterpillar Parts Contract
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Caterpillar Parts Contract

Program Overview:

This program will enable all DLA Supply Centers and military services listed to issue delivery orders for the purchase of supplies pertaining to this initiative. The purpose of this initiative is to reduce lead times in the procurement and delivery of supplies directly to the military customer or depots.

What can be purchased:

Items Available:

  • Consumables: filters, belts, hoses, seals, gaskets, etc.
  • Parts: lights, hydraulics, sensors, brakes, etc.
  • Critical components: transmissions, axels, ECU's, etc.
  • Attachments: buckets, augers, trenchers, brooms, etc.

Equipment Supported:

  • Heavy equipment
  • Marine and land system engines
  • Power generation

Contract Details:

Contract: SPE7LX-21-D-0087

Duration: 10 Years

Expiring: 10.31.2031

Approved Ordering Agencies:

US Army, Navy, Air Force, USMC, Coast Guard, FMS,

DLA Inventory Control Points (ICPS) below:

  • DLA Land and Maritime, Columbus, OH
  • DLA Troop Support, Philadelphia, PA
  • DLA Aviation, Richmond, VA
  • DLA Warren, Warren, MI
  • U.S. Army Contract Command