ADS | Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA) & Contracts | ADS, Inc.
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EIN Federal Tax ID: 54-1867268

DUNS ID:027079776


EIN 54-1867268

DUNS 027079776

BPA contracts establish a communication path between the customer, the contracting office, and the potential vendor for future use. Once established, you can expect a rapid turn-around on delivery with no minimum purchase requirement.

  • No minimum purchase
  • No funding to initiate
  • Quick turn-around

Did you know?

The Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR 13.303) establishes BPAs as a simplified method of filling anticipated repetitive needs for supplies or services—so exact items, quantities, and delivery requirements do not need to be known in advance.

BPA contracts establish a communication path

ADS has more than a decade of experience reviewing and responding to Requests for Proposals and developing Blanket Purchase Agreements. The FAR (13.303) establishes BPAs as a simplified method of filling anticipated repetitive needs for supplies or services. Exact items, quantities and delivery requirements do not need to be known in advance.


Order Status

Check order status or download invoice/receipt

Request a Quote

Request a detailed quote for your organization needs

Customer SErvice

Start a return or contact customer service

Supplier Inquiries

Access the ADS Supplier Portal for supplier inquiries